Stephanie Van de Wetering lives in San Diego, California. She joined the San Diego Watercolor Society in 2018 and started taking watercolor lessons and studying books, videos, and online courses.
She most enjoys painting with watercolor, but also periodically experiments with acrylic and gouache. She tries to paint every day and learn something from each new painting.
Stephanie paints what makes her happy, and that usually includes moments of joy.
Stephanie is very active at the San Diego Watercolor Society, where she is currently serving on the Board as Workshops Director.
She regularly has paintings on display at the San Diego Watercolor Society's juried Member Shows, and once had a painting in their prestigious International Show. She has twice had paintings accepted in the annual Western Federation of Watercolor Societies. In 2023 one of her paintings was juried into an exhibit by the Oceanside Museum of Art. She won a second place ribbon at the San Diego County Fair in 2023.
Follow @stephanievandewetering on Instagram to recent work.
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